The Best Digital Video Stabilizer With High Quality S-Video Support
Will let you copy, capture and view any protected video content
  • Copy protected DVD to DVD and VHS
  • Copy protected VHS to DVD and VHS
  • Record Protected TV channels from Satellite or Cable Receiver, SetTopBox, PVR, DVR, TiVo
  • Capture protected VHS and DVD with PC Video Capture Card
  • Interconnect any Macrovision sensitive devices like Video Projectors, HDTV and LCD monitors

Main Features

Grex Opens Analogue Protection Hole to copy VHS-VHS, VHS-DVD, DVD-VHS, DVD-DVD

Grex removes all kinds of video protections including Macrovision Level I, Macrovision Level II ( Color stripe x 2 ), Macrovision Level III ( Color stripe x 4 ), CGMS, CGMS-A, Digital Broadcasting Flags. This way Grex opens you so called Analogue Protection Hole and let you copy and transfer any protected video content.

Grex will let you record protected TV channels from SAT/Cable Receiver, STB, PVR, DVR, TiVo

Entertainment and Broadcasting ( Cable and Satellite ) companies protect some commercial TV channels to prevent permanent digital recording of these channels. In other words you may not be able to record protected TV channels with DVD/HDD recorder connected to SetTopBox/Receiver/PVR/DVR. It is achieved by transmitting Digital Broadcast Protection Flags that are recognized by modern DVD Recorders. Grex will fully remove Digital Broadcast Protection Flags and will let you record any protected TV channels.For the reference please take a look at the list of the most popular broadcasting companies and protected TV channels that the Grex was successfully tested on.

  • DirecTV
  • ComCast
  • Time Warner
  • Dish Network
  • Bell ExpressVu
  • Star Choice Canada
  • Rogers Cable
  • Austar MyStar HD
  • AT&T U-verse
  • On Demand Movies
  • Pay Per View (PPV)
  • Playboy TV Networks
  • Music TV
  • NFL Network
  • GolTV
  • Western
  • HBO
  • HBO2
  • Showtime
  • Starz
  • Fox
  • NHL Network
  • Encore
  • HBO Sport
  • Premium Movies
  • Cinemax
  • Toon Disney
  • ESPN
  • Venus

Grex does not make any Video Signal conversions and provides best Video quality

Grex does not convert protected analog Video to Digital Video and back again Digital Video to Analogue Video. This feature is vital for the best video quality Grex can provide. It also guaranties ZERO Video Signal Propagation Delay and thus no lag between Audio and Video information as well as no ghosts in Video caused by propagation delay.

Grex Preserves Closed Caption Information

All Dimax products including Grex are the only products in the market what do not remove Closed Caption Information from the protected Video Signal. Everyone who requires Closed Caption information and especially people with hearing problems can be sure that Closed Caption data will be fully preserved on the Video Signal passing by Grex.

General Description

New technologies not only make our life more comfortable and saturated but they also bring us a number of irritating limitations that in worst case can even take over advantages of the same technology. Modern digital and analog video recording against Macrovision Copyright Protection Technology is exactly the case. Just take a look at the list of the common problems that the people like you came across our site with.

  • We have a large Video Tapes collection that contains Disney animations and movies and a big number of Commercial VHS. To preserve our tapes by putting them on DVD Disks we’ve bought DVD Recorder ( DVD/VCR Combo Recorder ). But unfortunately DVD Recorder does not let us copy protected VHS to DVD. Dubbing Protected VHS to DVD also does not work. DVD Recorder keeps saying “Can not copy copyright protected video to DVD”. How can we copy protected Disney VHS to DVD? How to backup our protected VHS with DVD Recorder?


  • We have a Satellite or Cable Box DVR and want to record and offload movies and TV shows to DVD using DVD Recorder. DVD Recorder keeps saying “Protected Content”. How can we connect DVD Recorder to Cable Box DVR?


  • I have a PC equipped with a Video Capture Card ( FireWire/USB/USB2.0 Digital Recording Device ), DVD Burner and Video Editing Software. I want to use my setup to convert some DVD Disks and Video Tapes to DVD, but unfortunately I can’t do it. My Capturing/Recording device detects Macrovision Protection and does not let me get video into the PC. How can I copy protected DVD and VHS to PC?


  • I’ve got a DVD Disk with very interesting and thrilling movie/show. I would like to share it with my friends and relatives or just be able to see the same movie/show a few more times. I was trying to make a copy of this specific DVD Disk on my DVD Recorder but all I could get was message on the TV screen saying “You cannot record copy protected movie…”. How can I copy protected DVD to DVD Recorder?


  • Trying to copy some of our With High Quality S-Video Support (Video Cassette) or even simply connecting DVD player to VCR (Video Recorder) we get a strange video degradation problem. Cyclically we can see a few seconds of clear picture, after that we get a jumping frames with smashed colors and brightness fading in and out and finally it ends up with a lost picture and a blue screen on TV


  • I have a high end professional video equipment including LCD and HDTV monitors, Video Projector, Portable DVD Player, Car Video System, e.t.c. I’m using different video connections: Composite Video, S-Video, Component Video (Y,Pb,Pr). Anytime I’m trying to play protected DVD or protected VHS on my system I get distorted Video. It looks like my equipment can not survive Macrovision Protection. I have invested a lot of money in my video system and I believe that I deserve a better video quality on it

Have you found something for you? Or maybe something close to the specific problem you may have? Anyway please take a look over and probably the picture will become much more clear to you. Or simply drop us a line we will be happy to assist you. Now let’s see what actually the Grex Digital Video Stabilizer is. Grex is a Macrovision Protection Remover or so called Digital Video Stabilizer or Video Clarifier or Video Filter or Time Base Corrector (TBC) that simply disables Macrovision Protection in video signal. It is a continuation of the popular line of Dimax product DVD Red and DVD Red PRO. Our customers familiar with DVD Red and DVD Red PRO products will find many new and cool features in Grex. Most important of them are native and top quality S-Video support and protected TV channels support.

Compatibility List

The latest compatibility list updates can be found in our Grex and DVD Red Support Forum.

If your recorder, video capture card or any other recording or playback device is not specified in our compatibility list, it does not mean that Grex will not work for you. We can list only most popular models.
To eliminate your doubts please email our support department.

Accurian ADR-3223
Accurian 16-106 ADR0106
Apex DRX-9200 *
Archos AV500/AV700
Archos PMA430
Aspire Digital AD-8091
Avion AV-DVR100

CyberHome CH-DVR 1200 ***
CyberHome CH-DVR 1500
CyberHome CH-DVR 1600 ***

Daewoo DQR-1000D
Daewoo DVR-06
DigitalMax DMD-R0501

Electrohome 801EDVR
Emerson EWR10D4
Emerson EWR10D5 *

Gateway AR-230 *
Goodmans GDVD301RP
GoVideo DV2140 *
GoVideo R6740,R6750
Grundig GDR 5404

Humax DRT400
Humax DRT800

ILO DVDR04,DVDR05 *****
Insignia NS-1DVDR *
Insignia NS-DVDR1 **

JVC DR-MV100,DR-M100S **

LG DR165/DR175
LG DR1F9H ***
LG DR4810S/DR4912M
LG DR6921
LG DR7400
LG DR7622
LG DR7621W
LG DR7922W
LG DR7923

LG GSA-5169D
LG LRA-516,LRA-536
LG LRA-750
LG LRA-850

LG RH1777
LG RH197
LG RH1999H
LG RH397H,RH398H-M *
LG RH4810W/RH4820W
LG RH7500
LG RH7521W,RH7624W
LG RH7800
LG RH7823W

Lite-On HD-A740GX,HD-A760GX *
Lite-On LVW-1101(G)HC(+)
Lite-On LVW-1105(G)HC(+)
Lite-On LVW-1107(G)HC(+)
Lite-On LVW-5005/5006 ****
Lite-On LVW-5007
Lite-On LVW-5027HC+
Lite-On LVW-5045
Lite-On LVW-5101,LVW-5104
Lite-On LVW-5115/5116(GHC+) ***


Magnavox H2160MW9
Magnavox MDR-513H/F7
Magnavox MRV640,MRV660 **
Magnavox MSR90D6
Magnavox MWR10D6 **
Magnavox ZC320MW8,ZC352MW8

Memorex MVDR2102 *
Tevion/Medion MD80032

Panasonic DMR-BS750EB Blu Ray
Panasonic DMR-BW880
Panasonic DMR-E30
Panasonic DMR-E50,E55 **
Panasonic DMR-E60,E65
Panasonic DMR-E80H,E85H ****
Panasonic DMR-E95H
Panasonic DMR-EA18(K) **
Panasonic DMR-EH50,EH55 ***
Panasonic DMR-EH56,DMR-EH60
Panasonic DMR-EH80
Panasonic DMR-ES10/ES15 **
Panasonic DMR-ES20,ES25 *****
Panasonic DMR-EX75
Panasonic DMR-EX77/DMR-EX78
Panasonic DMR-EX85,DMR-EX87
Panasonic DMR-EZ27/EZ28 *

Philips DVDR3305
Philips DVDR3330H
Philips DVDR3355
Philips DVDR3365
Philips DVDR3380
Philips DVDR3390
Philips DVDR3400 *
Philips DVDR3440H
Philips DVDR3455H
Philips DVDR3460H
Philips DVDR3475
Philips DVDR3480
Philips DVDR3505/3537 **
Philips DVDR3575/3576(H) **
Philips DVDR5330H
Philips DVDR5520H
Philips DVDR610
Philips DVDR615 ***
Philips DVDR70/DVDR72
Philips DVDR725
Philips DVDR75,DVDR80 *
Philips DVDR880
Philips DVDR890
Philips DVDR985 *
Philips HDRW720 *

Pioneer DVR-220 *
Pioneer DVR-225
Pioneer DVR-231
Pioneer DVR-233
Pioneer DVR-310
Pioneer DVR-320
Pioneer DVR-420H *
Pioneer DVR-433H
Pioneer DVR-440H
Pioneer DVR-5100H
Pioneer DVR-510H
Pioneer DVR-520H *
Pioneer DVR-530H
Pioneer DVR-531H,DVR-533H *
Pioneer DVR-540H
Pioneer DVR-550H/560H
Pioneer DVR-633H
Pioneer DVR-640H *
Pioneer DVR-650H/DVR-660H-K *
Pioneer DVR-720H
Pioneer DVR-810H
Pioneer DVR-920H
Pioneer DVR-LX61

Polaroid DRM-2001G
Polaroid DRA-01601A
Presidian PDR-3222
Protron PD-DVR100
Protron PD-DVR100

RCA DRC8000N **
RCA DRC8052N *

Samsung DVD-HR775
Samsung DVD-R119
Samsung DVD-R120,R121 *****
Samsung DVD-R125
Samsung DVD-R130 **
Samsung DVD-R135 *
Samsung DVD-R150
Samsung DVD-R155
Samsung DVD-R329
Samsung DVD-R357
Samsung DVD-R4000
Samsung DVD-SH853M
Samsung DVD-TR520
Samsung DVD-HR720
Samsung DVD-HR725

Sansui DVR-1028
Sansui DVR-510
Sanyo DRW-500 *
Sanyo DVR-DX600 *

Sony RDR-GX210,GX220
Sony RDR-GX255,RDR-GX257 ***
Sony RDR-GX300,RDR-GX315 *****
Sony RDR-GX330 *
Sony RDR-GX350,GX355 ****
Sony RDR-GX360 *****
Sony RDR-GXD455 **
Sony RDR-GX7
Sony RDR-HDC100,RDR-HDC300
Sony RDR-HX1000
Sony RDR-HX510,RDR-HX520
Sony RDR-HX710,HX715,HX720
Sony RDR-HX750,RDR-HX780 *
Sony RDR-HX900,RDR-HX920
Sony RDR-HX950
Sony RDR-HXD870 *
Sony RDR-HXD900,HXD910 *
Sony RDR-HX990

Sylvania DVR91DG
Sylvania ZC320SL8B

Targa DRH-5100x,5300x
Tevion/Medion MD80032
Tevion/Medion MD81335
TIVO ***

Toshiba D-KR10KU
Toshiba D-KR40
Toshiba D-R250
Toshiba D-R4(SU) ****
Toshiba D-R400,D-R410
Toshiba DR420(KU),DR430 *
Toshiba D-R5
Toshiba DR560,DR570
Toshiba D-RW2 *
Toshiba RD-XS30,RD-XS32 **
Toshiba RD-XS34,RD-XS35 *
Toshiba RD-XS44
Toshiba RD-XS52,XS55,XS55 *
Toshiba RD-XV47,RD-XV48DT *
Toshiba RS-TX20,RS-TX60

TruTech TT1620 *
Woxter VDR-1000
Yamaha DRX-1

AT&T U-verse ***
Austar MyStar

Motorola DCT2608 *
Motorola DCT3416
Motorola DCT6412 **
Motorola VIP1216 *

NETFLIX Roku Player **
Scientific-Atlanta Explorer 4240HDC
Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300HD
Verizon Motorola HD QIP6416-2

Adaptec VideOh! AVC-2010
Adaptec VideOh! AVC-2210 *
Adaptec VideOh! AVC-2310
ADS DVD Xpress

ATI All In Wonder *****
ATI TV Wonder
AVerMedia UltraTV 1500 MCE
AVerMedia DVD EZMaker USB2 *
AVerMedia Avertv PCIE(M780)

Canopus ADVC-1394
Canopus ADVC-300
Canopus ADVC55

D-Link DUB-AV300
Dell Roxio Movie Studio *

Honestech Deluxe 3.0
Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1200
HP Media Center *
HP DVD Movie Writer DC3000
HP DVD Movie Writer DC4000
HP DVD Movie Writer DC5000

Sony DVDirect VRD-MC1(MC3) **
Sony DVDirect VRD-MC5 *****
Sony DVDirect VRD-MC6 *****
Sony DVDirect VRD-VC10,VC20 ***
Sony VAIO **

Broksonic DRVCR900
Cinevision RV4000 *
Emerson EWR20V4 **
Emerson EWR20V5 ***
FUNAI SV2000 ***

GoVideo VR1940
GoVideo VR2940
GoVideo VR3840
GoVideo VR3845 ***
GoVideo VR3930
GoVideo VR4940
GoVideo VR5940

Insignia IS-DVD1001
Insignia IS-DVD100121 *
Insignia NS-1DRVCR *

JVC DR-MV78(BU),MV79(BU) **
JVC DR-MV80(BU) **

LG LRY-517 ***
LG RC195,RC199 ****
LG RC299
LG RC388
LG RC7723
LG RC797T,RC897T *
LG RC8295
LG V181
LG XBR446 *

Lite-On LVC-9006 *
Lite-On LVC-9015G
Lite-On LVC-9016G *

Magnavox MRV700VR *
Magnavox MWD2205
Magnavox MWR20V6 ***
Magnavox ZV420MW8 *
Magnavox ZV427MG9,ZV429MG9A
Magnavox ZV450MW8,ZV457MG9 **

Panasonic DMR-EA38V *
Panasonic DMR-EH75V *****
Panasonic DMR-EH80VE
Panasonic DMR-ES30V *****
Panasonic DMR-ES35V *****
Panasonic DMR-ES40V *****
Panasonic DMR-ES45V,ES46V ***
Panasonic DMR-EX95V/EX98V
Panasonic DMR-EZ37VK/EZ47
Panasonic DMR-EZ475V/VK ****
Panasonic DMR-EZ48V,48VK ***
Panasonic DMR-EZ485V,VK ****
Panasonic DMR-XW300
Panasonic DMR-XW350,XW380 *
Panasonic DMR-XW450

Philips DVDR330
Philips DVDR3320V
Philips DVDR3435V *
Philips DVDR3545V *
Philips DVDR600VR *
Philips DVDR630VR

Pioneer DVR-RT300
Pioneer DVR-RT401
Pioneer DVR-RT500,DVR-RT501

RCA DRC8295N *
RCA DRC8310N *
RCA DRC8320N *

Samsung DVD-R3000 *
Samsung DVD-VR320 ***
Samsung DVD-VR325
Samsung DVD-VR329
Samsung DVD-R330 ***
Samsung DVD-VR330 *
Samsung DVD-VR336
Samsung DVD-VR355
Samsung DVD-VR357 **
Samsung DVD-VR375 ***

Sansui VRDVD4005 *
Sansui VRDVD4500
Sansui VRDVD5000
Sanyo DRW-1000
Sharp DV-RW260
Sharp DV-RW340U
Sharp DV-RW350U

Sony RDR-VX500,VX511 ****
Sony RDR-VX515 *****
Sony RDR-VX521 **
Sony RDR-VX525 ***
Sony RDR-VX530 *****
Sony RDR-VX535 **
Sony RDR-VX555 ****
Sony RDR-VX560
Sony RDR-VXD655
Sony RDR-SLV-D300P

Sylvania DVR90VE/F *
Sylvania SRDV495
Sylvania ZV450SL8 *
Symphonic CWR20V5
Symphonic SR90VE

Toshiba D-VR16
Toshiba D-VR3(SU) *
Toshiba D-VR35
Toshiba D-VR4,D-VR5(XSU) **
Toshiba D-VR600
Toshiba D-VR610,D-VR620 *
Toshiba D-VR650,660,670 **
Toshiba DKVR60KU
Toshiba RD-XV59TKB

TruTech/Daewoo DRT-S810

Zenith XBR-616/XBR-617
Zenith XBR-716
Zenith ZRY-316

JVC HR-7700

Panasonic PV-V4022
Panasonic PV-V4520
Panasonic PV-V4603


*** … – Popularity Rating

Connection Diagrams
Composite Video Connection
S-Video Connection
Component Video Connection

The Grex video stabilizer units are unconditionally guaranteed by XDIMAX.

If Grex has not performed to your satisfaction and did not match it’s original description, you can simply return the undamaged unit within 60 days period to the distributor from whom the unit was purchased, after receiving RMA from it’s support department, your money will be promptly refunded excluding shipment costs.

In addition to 60-day return warranty we also provide 1 year of free repair warranty. Which means that we will repair or replace your unit if it gets broken within first year of exploitation. This warranty applies only during normal use and care and is absolutely void if the product is misused, neglected, damaged, altered, or repaired by someone other than XDIMAX.

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Grex Variations
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Buy Now
Grex Complete Package

Includes: Grex Unit, Power Supply

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$99 USD
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