Synchronous GPS Based I/O Controller & Interrupter
Simple and versatile solution for synchronous measurements and I/O operations
  • Under 1 millisecond unit to unit divergency
  • Max switching power 60W
  • Battery operated
  • Easy configurable via RS232 terminal
  • Field Upgradable

Main Features

  • Synchronous Operation with high precision without space and time limitations.
    InterY units synchronization is based on GPS clock and GPS pulse per second (PPS) output signal. Maximal unit drift from GPS clock is configurable parameter. It is inversely linked with battery power consumption and thus with unit operation time before battery exhausted.
  • InterY unit can be battery or external DC power operated.
    InterY unit can work with any type of AA battery including alkaline and accumulators.
    In battery operated mode units can detect and indicate LOW BATT state.
  • InterY has a number of configurable parameters that defines unit operation mode and timing.
    Parameters can be changed via RS232 terminal software. Detailed information about interX unit parameters provided in user manual.
  • InterY unit is field upgradable.
    It means that unit internal program – Firm Ware (FW) can be fully upgraded by customer without any need to open unit or send it to manufacturer. Upon request and special agreement XDIMAX can develop and provide unique customized FW to suite specific end user requirements. For additional information about customization please contact XDIMAX technical support.
  • InterY unit functionality can be extended with additional HW blocks.
    If the standard configuration of interX is not sufficient, unit can be extended with following HW blocks

    • Current shunt monitor
    • A/D converter
    • D/A converter
    • EEPROM (Nonvolatile memory)
    • Infra Red Transceiver


  • Anti-Corrosion Protection and Corrosion Control Systems
  • Synchronous Rectifiers and Electrodes interruption for measurements
General Description

InterY was originally developed as a measurement instrument for industrial and trunk pipeline anodic or cathodic protection systems. InterY allows facilitate measurement of galvanic parameters (instant-off polarized potentials, pipe-to-soil potential) across a wide range of timing cycles. It is used to make synchronous disconnect and reconnect of protection electrodes (anode or cathode) or rectifier’s from/to buried underground pipeline to perform measurements.

Required number of InterY interrupters can be installed over miles of pipeline without any distance or line of sight limitations. Being programmed to the desired on/off time intervals all units will synchronously perform the same operation cycles over predefined period of time.

This picture shows how InterY can be connected to pipeline anti-corrosion protection circuit.

Having a number of InterY being connected the same way to electrodes over the pipeline and one connected to the rectifier you will get ultimate solution to make required measurements of the anti-corrosion protection system parameters.

All InterY devices will disconnect electrode or rectifier from the pipeline exactly at the same time and will connect them back again exactly at the same time. This will continue during whole measurement period that can lasts a number of days. During all this period synchronization between units will stay unchanged.

InterY is now widely used by a number of companies providing galvanic protection services worldwide. InterY utilization is not only limited to pipeline cathodic protection systems.

InterY unique features based on integration of GPS module and powerful IO controller on a single board can be widely used in many other applications. We can customize InterY boards for your specific requirements.

If you feel like InterY is something you are looking for or at least close to it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Block Diagram
InterY Block Diagram
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$249 USD
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